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The Bavarian car manufacturer steps into the 21st-century, digitally future-proofing and ensuring an open, transparent future for the company. Just don’t pick up anyone from Gamblers Anonymous in a BMW after March 2020. #triggering.

It was the 90’s when BMW’s iconic logo saw its last update. Pierce Brosnan was James Bond, driving a BMW. Bill Clinton was the President of the USA, not driving a BMW but getting something else beginning with a B. And we were all wondering if Ross and Rachel would end up together, maybe in a BMW. It was a simpler time.

The world is a different place

Since then a lot has changed. In the world and in BMW. And the old logo, as much as it was classy, did borrow heavily from Photoshop 1.0 effects. Drop shadow and inner bevel anyone?

Better suited to the digital age

BMW updates its logo for the 21st century

A step into the 21st century was warranted. Their new “flat” logo is claimed to be “better suited to the digital age”.

Basically, they have done away with any superfluous flair. It is “pared-down and two-dimensional”, swapping the signature black rim for a transparent border.

Mixed feelings

BMW updates its logo for the 21st century

Like all big changes, the news was met with mixed feelings from the BMW fanbois. Some loved it. Some hated it. And some more observant folks likened it to a poker chip. Which is kinda fair. And kinda funny.

But purists fear not. Apparently we won’t be seeing this make it’s way onto actual cars anytime soon. The updated logo is intended for use in online and offline communication purposes only.

“We want to use this new transparent version to invite our customers, more than ever, to become part of the world of BMW,” says Jens Thiemer, senior vice president for customer and brand BMW. “In addition, our new brand design is geared to the challenges and opportunities of digitalisation for brands. With visual restraint and graphic flexibility, we are equipping ourselves for the vast variety of touchpoints in communication at which BMW will be present, online and offline, in the future.”

We will be seeing this 21st century BMW find its way into the communications from BMW from March 3, 2020, through May 31, 2021. If you are a BMW owner, I really hope this doesn’t start a run of badge burglary from overzealous nostalgists.

If you would like to see how another brand we love has gone about its logo redesign, head here to read all about 3sixteen’s new branding.