Knickerbocker brings us a Tool Box from Puebco

New York-based brand Knickerbocker MFG has been providing us with classic clothing right from the get-go, now they turn their attention to furnishing your home with beautiful, utilitarian goods from Puebco INC.

Some household practicalities are obscure but necessary and you just need to hide them. A thing to put tools in would be one example. Another might be… a thing to put things in and receptacles for stuff that has no place but need a place.

Hidden away

The solutions to these issues tend to be purely practical, ie, that biscuit tin from your gran where you keep all your buttons, and so ugly that they are hidden away in shame.

Of course, it’s Japanese

Lucky for us, there is a practical, graceful, beautiful solution. And naturally, it is Japanese. And luckier for us, Knickerbocker MFG has decided to make them available to all.

All of the things you need

Puebco INC makes a whole host of things that you just need and not much you don’t. Their solutions to our everyday household needs are driven by function first but executed in such a way that the beauty in each piece is inherent.

Textbook Toolbox

Open toolbox from Puebco

Take this toolbox for example. For all us normal run of the mill weekend DIY’ers, this would contain all the tools you would ever need or want and you wouldn’t mind leaving it next to your iMac.

Better for your buttons

Jar from Puebco

And this ceramic canister. Bin the biscuit tin and give your buttons a better, prettier home. Oh and speaking of bins, Puebco INC do bins too. Just AJ hasn’t got around to getting them yet… hint, hint.

Life looks better in Knickerbockers

Over on the Knickerbocker website you have a whole host of other stuff that will make your life look better. Baskets for your shoes, baskets for your magazines. Beautiful bottles that make your home look nice and smell better with canned candles that serve the same purpose. Hangers you don’t mind seeing when your jacket is not on them and things to stuff in your shoes so they don’t stink.

Go on over and treat yourself to something nice.